Monday, December 18, 2006

The day the war began was a bloody one. There was no preliminary maneuvering, each side simple lined up and charged. This was Red against Black, the racial hatred had existed for millenia an was now bursting forth once again. As a whole, the Blacks were somewhat larger but there were far more Reds, and thus the battle was even. They fought back and forth, their need to inflict damage so strong that they rarely helped their wounded, instead leaving them to eventually help themselves or fall to the enemy. The battles pushed back and forth, sometimes even reaching into the cities themselves. The war raged for days, violence upon violence, atrocity upon atrocity, and then it was done, there were too few warriors to do battle.

Few noticed this epic struggle, as ants aren't the hot item they could be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is your best work so far! I wish more of your work was like that.